Financial Planning
Goal setting is the most crucial part of financial planning; clear goals will give you direction and increase your motivation. Every financial decision you make has an impact on the lifestyle you and your family will lead.
Financial goal-setting
Our experienced financial advisors will work with you to examine your current financial situation and identify where you want to go. Think of us as an expert second pair of eyes; we can point out financial weaknesses and strengths you may not have realised, and offer insights to help you set firm and realistic financial goals.

The first step to a better financial situation is a good budget. Understanding where your money goes and then re-prioritising your spending is something everyone can benefit from. You might be surprised what you can achieve by looking into your current finances more closely.
Together we’ll examine your income and outgoings, plan how you can use your money better and set agreed spending boundaries to minimise your debt and maximise your savings.
You won’t achieve your financial goals without regularly putting money aside to achieve them. Are you currently saving? Could you be saving more? We can support you to clear any existing debt, increase your cash flow and boost that savings account sooner.
Our financial advisors can support you to set attainable saving goals and change your spending habits. With a little help you’ll be well on the way to building your future wealth.

Managing debt
Debt can drag you down! When too much of your hard-earned money is heading towards repayments, it can become a struggle to balance the books. If you want to grow your assets, you need to minimise the money you’ve got in the red.
We can help you plan your way out step-by-step. Simple strategies like re-focusing your savings and looking at other borrowings and credit card options can help you get on the road to becoming debt-free!
Choosing your KiwiSaver provider is an important financial decision that is often overlooked. Just like investing in the share market, there is no guaranteed return from any KiwiSaver provider.
To make the most of your KiwiSaver, you need to take charge. Rather than just ticking the stock-standard box, we can provide independent advice to help you choose the provider and funds that match your financial goals. We also keep an eye out for good opportunities to switch funds in order to help you maximise those returns.
Buying a home is likely the biggest investment you’ll ever make and trying to find the best mortgage rate can make the process more time-consuming and stressful than it has to be. With hundreds of loans to choose from, with varying interest rates, fees and degrees of flexibility; choosing a mortgage can be a financial mine-field.
Our independent advisors can support you to reduce your existing mortgage. If you want to find out more, we can refer you to a mortgage broker.
Our free Progressive Financial Planning disclosure document is available on request.

Funding retirement
Are you saving enough to support your ideal retirement lifestyle? Or do you have just enough aside to get by? Identifying how much you’ll need can be tricky and it’s never too early to start planning.
Our objective is to identify what you’ll really need to retire, while maintaining the kind of lifestyle you want. We’ll then recommend strategies to get you there. This will involve looking at your sources of income, including superannuation and private savings, then working out how to best invest and maximise the return of your retirement funds.
Asset protection
Minimising your exposure to financial loss is just as important as any other part of financial planning.
Our team can analyse your situation, provide advice on the level of cover you need and then connect you with the appropriate insurance specialists.
You’ll also need to consider additional steps to future-proof your assets, including estate planning, wills and power of attorney. We can collaborate with other advisors such as your lawyer, accountant and trust specialist to ensure your assets are protected from every angle.
Estate planning
Simplify things for after you’re gone and ensure your loved ones receive what you intended, with as little hassle as possible. Planning your estate carefully will mean that as much of your money as possible goes to your intended beneficiaries and less to tax and other costs. This may involve setting up a trust with a sound management structure, or gifting your assets.
We can help you set up the best structure for your estate, working with other advisors, such as your lawyer, accountant and trust specialist.